what do ya say we get organized?!

Most of us are constantly on a computer everyday. Whether for work or personal use, we’ve become an addict in checking our social media.

Using effective productivity on your computer can bring ease to your computer habits! Check out some ideas and instant tools you can start use your keyboard and computer to it’s full potential!

Shortcuts on a keyboard? WHAT?! Most of us know some of the basic shortcuts on a keyboard like ctrl+c (command+c for a MAC) to copy a selected word or sentence, but what about all the other ones?! BUT what about using your mouse as little as possible by using nothing but your keyboard? It’s possible people!!! MAC and PC’s run a bit differently, but for the most part, everything is very similar when navigating solely on your keyboard! What many individuals don’t know is the endless shortcut tools that are available to use! As I’ve been learning, for each application, there’s typically different ones for each program! For instance, did you know your g-mail account has it’s own type of shortcuts? Even on WordPress, they have different key shortcuts and here’s a few you might find handy too! One that I recently found out about on my own is hitting ctrl+# (a number 1-4) will change your font. No need to highlight the whole document even!

We all know that over whelming feeling of opening our inbox and seeing a never ending “new message” list. Have you ever thought about making your inbox, well, your own? Effective e-mail management is possible! If you have a G-mail account, you’ll be happy to know Google is constantly making changes and improvements to make your virtual inbox a little more friendly!

If you’re like me, social media has become my world. Not always for personal use, but for my job. Having multiple Facebook accounts to manage, Twitter accounts, Tumblr, and Instagram, sometimes it’s hard to keep up! Great news is, websites have been created to help you manage your accounts and make it more efficient and easy for you to keep up with all the constant incoming news!

Google analytics are constantly coming up with new and improved ways to use it to it’s fullest potential! Have a one stop access center to all your needs by following this direct and simple way of maximizing your account!

We’ve all tried “Googling” a question or topic and come up with unsatisfied results. It’s more than typing in what you want to know. Gain some ideas on how to optimize your search engine results! 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important for any company trying to get their name out to the public. As a breakdown, SEO is a maximizing the amount of visitors to your site! Google even has their own tips!